Doctor checking heartbeat

September is National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month

Your heartbeat can be thought of as the natural rhythm of life. It keeps pace with everything you… read more

Itchy skin

Understanding eczema

Having a rash can be very irritating, especially if you’re itching to know the reason for the… read more

Children learning

Understanding autism

The importance of strong communication can be difficult to express. It’s at the heart of our… read more

Understanding eye cataracts

June is Cataract Awareness Month

Too many people close their eyes to the importance of good vision. Your eyes are your window to the… read more


May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

It may be called the great outdoors, but it can be far from great when it leads to a life-changing… read more

Rope about to snap from stress

April is Stress Awareness Month

Has the stress of life been affecting you? If you’ve ever felt frenzied, frazzled, anxious,… read more

Energy drink cans

Understanding how energy drinks may impact your health

If you’re one of the many people who reach for energy drinks for that essential buzz and boost,… read more

Woman sneezing

What is RSV?

Have you been sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing, and think you have a common cold? You… read more

Variety of vegetables

The vitality of vegetables

Whether you love them, like them, or leave them off your plate, there’s no denying that… read more

Woman eating fruit

Top tips to improve your digestive health

The need for a healthy digestive system can be difficult to digest. After all, digestion isn’t… read more

Human circulatory system

Understanding the human circulatory system

Does it feel like you’re always on the move, on the go, and on the run, taking important things… read more

Model of the liver

Defining the functions of the liver

The liver is no ordinary organ. While most other organs only have a couple of roles, the liver… read more

Blood cells

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Being diagnosed with blood cancer can make your blood run cold. While having any kind of cancer can… read more

Corn syrup

Understanding the negative effects of high-fructose corn syrup

Do you remember how the musical Mary Poppins sang that, “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine… read more

Doctor explaining liver function

World Hepatitis Day is July 28th

Hepatitis has gone viral, but not in a good way. Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver, and it… read more

Whole grains

Defining and understanding whole grains

Whole grains have a whole lot going for them. They’re full of fiber, packed with nutrients, and… read more

Avocado as a source of potassium

Processing potassium

Potassium is so much more than just a banana’s claim to fame. This essential mineral is vital for… read more

Oral exam

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral cancer can be a tough diagnosis to swallow. Most people don’t talk about it because they… read more

Older gentleman in a wheelchair

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month

Multiple sclerosis, also known as MS, may barely cross your mind unless it affects you or someone… read more

Stethoscope on patient's chest

Understanding coronary artery disease

No matter your age or stage of life, you need to take your health to heart. This starts by being… read more

Woman speaking with her doctor

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

It’s time to talk about cervical cancer. The disease is preventable, treatable, and curable, but… read more

Mental health professional with a patient

Understanding and defining anxiety

Today, it seems like there’s always something to worry about. You may be concerned about your… read more

Doctor using stethoscope

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung cancer is a matter of life and breath. Every breath becomes a battle with this form of cancer… read more

Salt being added during food preparation

Understanding the risks of high sodium consumption

Too many people take eating too much sodium with a grain of salt. However, an extra pinch here and… read more

Man experiencing eye strain

Tips to prevent digital eye strain

Spend long hours in front of a computer or looking at a digital screen and before you know it,… read more

Sources of carbohydrates

Comprehending carbohydrates

Over the years, carbohydrates have come under scrutiny and are often labeled as bad for you. In our… read more

Women smiling together

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Let’s discuss a subject that may not get talked about enough—ovarian cancer. Why doesn’t it… read more

Woman applying sunscreen while sunbathing

Types of skin cancer and what you need to know

Skin cancer can affect anyone. In fact, one in five Americans will develop one of the types of skin… read more

Plate of healthy fats such as avocado and salmon

Dissecting the different dietary fats

In recent years, the types of fats in your diet is a hotly contested issue. Some say they’re good… read more

Man and woman enjoying exercise

Understanding wellness

For many people, the idea of wellness may a new age, unattainable concept. However, wellness goes… read more

Senior woman drinking a glass of milk

The role of calcium, its benefits, and its sources

Make no bones about it, calcium is essential to good health. This important nutrient is usually… read more

Senior man and woman safely enjoying the sun

July is UV Safety Month

Sun’s out and fun’s out, so you’re probably out soaking up both. During the summer, it’s… read more

Father and daughter cleaning kitchen surfaces

Tips to steer clear of foodborne illness

Food is supposed to be one of life’s pleasures, but it can cause you a great deal of pain if you… read more

Foods representing fiber

Understanding fiber and its benefits

People praise the power of protein, they go all in on fat, or gush over going vegan, but fiber… read more

Younger woman assisting senior woman with understanding letters

June is National Aphasia Awareness Month

Actions speak louder than words. And each June during National Aphasia Awareness Month, truer words… read more

Various sources of protein

Understanding the importance of protein and its sources

It’s not just athletes and fitness fanatics that need to get plenty of protein. It seems like… read more

Woman cleaning furniture

Spring cleaning and disinfecting tips for a healthy home

It’s time to open the doors and windows to let the spring breeze in. But first, it’s important… read more


May is National Celiac Disease Awareness Month

For people who don’t suffer from celiac disease, this autoimmune condition can be as hard to… read more

Selection of ginger, honey, and lemon

Ways to help boost your immune system

Nobody is completely immune from getting sick. So, if you want a fighting chance at staying well,… read more

Older gentleman wearing glasses

Tips for keeping your eyes healthy

Too many people close their eyes to the importance of keeping theirs healthy. If you don’t take… read more

Doctor showing a kidney visual on a tablet

Be kind to your kidneys and the vital role they play

Understanding why your kidneys are so important isn’t a waste of your time. They’re called… read more

Smiling female doctor

March 30th is National Doctors’ Day

Medical professionals rarely get the recognition they deserve. These hard-working men and women… read more

Two women exercising together

Aerobic vs. anaerobic exercise and what you need to know

If you thought that all exercise was the same, think again! Few people understand that there are… read more

Plated salmon typical of a Mediterranean diet

What is the Mediterranean diet and is it right for you?

If you want to escape the counting, restrictions, and cravings of another starvation diet, it’s… read more

Older couple sharing an affectionate moment

February is National Cancer Prevention Month

Cancer is a growing problem that affects far too many people each year. Cancer doesn’t care if… read more

Adult son comforts senior father

Defining and understanding depression

Everybody has times that they feel bleak, blah, dreary, weary, tired, stressed, or sad. It’s… read more

Nurse drawing blood from elderly man

January is National Blood Donor Month

Blood donations are desperately needed to save the lives of millions of people. Unfortunately,… read more

Man cycling

Bicycling your way to improved well-being

If you’re spinning your wheels trying to think of a way to get fit and have fun, get ready for… read more

Senior woman enjoying the sunshine

The impact of vitamin D on your health and well-being

While there’s an entire alphabet of vitamins that come with various benefits, vitamin D is one of… read more

Senior man enjoying a cup of coffee

Understanding the side effects of too much caffeine

Do you need that morning cup of coffee, that afternoon can of cola or those over-the-counter… read more

Senior couple measuring blood pressure

Minimize your risk of stroke

A stroke is a very serious condition that impacts the lives of many people every year. Strokes are… read more

Senior man drinking water

Harness the health benefits of hydration

Water, water everywhere, but are you drinking enough? Drinking water is not always about quenching… read more

Thanksgiving meal on a table

Tips and tricks for a balanced, healthier Thanksgiving holiday

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! While it’s a very exciting time of year, it seems like… read more

Doctor using stethoscope on patient

November is COPD Awareness Month

It’s time to clear the air about a misunderstood condition known as COPD, which is short for… read more

Elderly man enjoying swimming

Jump in to the benefits of swimming

If you’re tired of huffing and puffing through high-intensity workouts that make you feel like… read more

Man completing a puzzle

Tips to exercise your brain and stay mentally sharp

It’s natural to think about staying physically fit and active as you get older, but has the… read more

Mental health doctor evaluating patient

October is ADHD Awareness Month

There are times when everyone has trouble paying attention, remembering things, or controlling… read more

Doctor with patient

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month

Cancer comes in many forms and negatively affects far too many lives. Sometimes, this… read more

Mother applying sunscreen to child

Understanding sunscreen and how to protect your skin

A little sun is necessary for your body, but too much can be bad for your skin. That is because the… read more

Man drinking water

Beat the heat—stay cool and hydrated this summer

With the sweltering days and steamy nights of summer, it’s hard to stay calm, cool, and protected… read more

Man experiencing a headache

June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

If the agony and abruptness of severe headaches causes you to cancel plans with friends, skip… read more

Woman waking up after restful sleep

Top tips to help you sleep better at night

Are you dreaming of getting a good night’s sleep? Count yourself among the millions of people who… read more

Concerned woman being comforted

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your mental health

After a year of hunkering down, masking up, Zooming in, and going without everything from social… read more

Hand placed on knee

May is Arthritis Awareness Month: What you need to know

Arthritis can be a real sore spot for those who endure its pain every day. While this debilitating… read more

People exercising outside

Enjoy the benefits of walking and exercising outdoors

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it’s the perfect opportunity to freshen up your usual… read more

Woman using a facial tissue

Is it COVID-19 or is it just seasonal allergies? Know the difference.

While allergies are nothing to sneeze at, COVID-19 is typically far worse. Still, they share many… read more

Man assisting elderly woman

April is National Parkinson’s Awareness Month: What you need to know

Few people give Parkinson’s disease a second thought until it affects someone they love. In fact,… read more