Counseling and psychiatry services from top providers, in network with most insurers
CarolinaMD has partnered with Thriveworks to provide you with a dedicated team of mental health and counseling professionals.
CarolinaMD has partnered with Thriveworks to provide you with a dedicated team of mental health and counseling professionals.
The Thriveworks support team is available 7 days a week, including holidays, and your provider is available between sessions by phone or email. Receive online or in-person care at one of 310+ locations across the U.S. that fits into your busy schedule with same- or next-day, evening, and weekend appointments.
Thriveworks hires only the top 4% of providers* to provide the very best care to clients. Thriveworks mental health services are often covered by insurance.
Thriveworks providers can help individuals with depression, anxiety, stress, and major life changes and couples seeking counseling for lack of intimacy, jealousy, trust issues, and miscommunication. Providers also help families dealing with financial problems, divorce or separation, and work-life balance issues.
Thriveworks offers counseling, psychiatry, and life coaching services. Counselors can help you manage mental health conditions and other challenges, while psychiatrists can treat mental health conditions with medication, if needed. Thriveworks providers work together to offer comprehensive care that meets your needs.
Online counseling, telepsychiatry by phone, and video counseling are available for those who would prefer to meet with a provider virtually. Thriveworks is HIPAA-compliant and committed to protecting the privacy and security of health information. You can trust that both your personal information and the conversations you have with your provider will be kept private.
To schedule your first appointment, call 833.530.2577 or fill out the form below and we’ll call you within one business day.