Top tips to help you sleep better at night
Are you dreaming of getting a good night’s sleep? Count yourself among the millions of people who are tossing, turning, and tired of lying awake all night and feeling exhausted during the day. But, between stressful lives and busy days, it’s no wonder you’re finding it hard to get enough sleep. Sleep is more than a luxury because it’s essential to staying healthy, feeling alert, and being active every day. Luckily, there’s no need to feel drowsy and lousy after another sleepless night. It’s easy to learn how to sleep better with a few helpful and healthy sleep tips. The following tips for good sleep can make a real difference in the way you feel and function. You may be surprised to see that when you’re trying to sleep better, tips like these can help put the problem to bed.
Wake up to a healthy sleep schedule
One of the most important tips for good sleep is to develop a regular sleep schedule. You need at least seven hours of sleep each night for your body to function properly and to feel rested during the day. That’s why one of the basic tips to sleep better at night is going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. While it may be tempting to stay up later and sleep in longer over the weekend, try to keep the difference to no more than one hour to help you regularly sleep better. Tips like this one help you regulate your sleep-wake cycle and naturally get the sleep you need.
Create a zen zone
Make your environment ideal for sleeping by keeping it dark, cool, and quiet. Lower the lights at night to help your body transition to bedtime, then use blackout blinds or thick curtains to eliminate outside light. Your body temperature naturally drops at night, so keeping your room cool will tell your body it’s time for bed. And, keep in mind that excess noise can stop you from falling asleep or wake you throughout the night. If you can’t control the noise, cover it with soothing music, a fan, or a white noise machine.
See the light about late-night screen time
While it’s common to watch TV, go on your computer, or scroll on your smartphone at night, the dark side of these devices is that they can keep you wired and awake. The blue light emitted from electronics suppresses your body’s production of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps you relax and fall asleep. Give your body a break from blue light by turning off your electronics and other bright lights at least 30 minutes before bed.
Don’t close your eyes after large meals
Eating large meals or heavy, late-night snacks can affect the way you sleep. Big dinners, heavy foods, and late-night treats can cause indigestion and heartburn, making it harder to fall asleep. When you’re trying to sleep better, tips to doze without disruption include avoiding late dinners, staying away from spicy or greasy foods, and leaving at least two hours between your last bite and bedtime. If you get hungry at night, reach for a light and healthy snack.
Call it a night on caffeine and alcohol
What and when you drink can make a difference in how you sleep. That’s why you need to rethink your evening drinks. The caffeine in coffee, tea, and sodas can give you a burst of energy and keep you awake all night. And, while alcohol may make it easier to fall asleep, it can make it much harder to stay asleep. It’s best to avoid caffeine and alcohol later in the day to sleep through the night.
Give napping a rest
While you may think that an afternoon nap is merely a way to feel refreshed, a mid-day doze can be a nightmare. It may seem like the perfect way to catch up on the sleep you’ve missed, but naps can completely throw off your sleep schedule. Napping too long or too late in the day can prevent you from falling and staying asleep. If you really need a nap to get through the day, keeping it to less than 30 minutes and only dozing in the early afternoon are key tips to sleep better at night. So, when you’re wondering how to sleep better, your best bet is to limit napping.
Rather than counting sheep to fall asleep at night, count on these healthy sleep tips to discover how to sleep better, and say goodnight to sleepless nights.